Social Bowls: Co-ordinator Allan Whyatt, Mobile: 0468 855 568
Championship Pairs: Co-ordinator Malcolm Bailey, Mobile: 0439 395 915
Winter Social Bowls
This program will be commencing Saturday 5th and Wednesday 10th April 2024. Please be at the club by 12 noon.
There is no need to bring a partner and phone bookings are not required. However, if you plan to arrive at the club between 12 noon and 12:30pm, please call the club on 8278 1937 in order to have your name added to the players list.
We play 2 x 12 ends games with a 15 minute break between the 2 games.
It costs just $10.00 to play, which includes Coffee / Tea and biscuits during the break, entry in the "Pick a Number Prize", worth $25. You could also win $10 if you are the last person to have a Resting Toucher at the end of each game. If no person has a resting Toucher in the first game, the second game is worth $20. During the break a lucky pair will each win a $6 bar voucher. Further, there are other prizes determined by game results.
Win or lose, every team also gains entry into our Jackpot Wheel Spin, which this is conducted at the end of the days play and worth a minimum $100 each week. The winners of the Jackpot Wheel Spin must be present in order to claim the prize.
Visitors are most welcome to our social bowls program. If you need futher information please contact the club on 8278 1937 or our Social Bowlers Co-ordinator, Allan Whyatt on 0468 855 568
Monday Winter Championship Pairs
This is winter only program which re-commenced on Monday 13 May 2024 and will continue until Monday 9 September. To enter, you need to add the names of the members of your team on the sheet located on the notice board in the clubrooms. Please note : You may only add the names of "a pair" on the sheet - single entries are not accepted. Please call Malcolm Bailey on mobile 0439 395 915 if you need further information.
Monday Summer Social Bowls
Our summer program will re-commence Monday 16 September 2024