The club conducts Night Owls from October to March on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. This is a great introduction to the sport of bowls and it is conducted in a relaxed, friendly and fun filled atmosphere that you and your family or friends are sure to enjoy. Please select Night Owls from the above menu for further information.
Our modern club rooms and greens are available for hire at reasonable prices. Please select Venue Hire from the menu above.
Blackwood Bowling Club currently has 5 Saturday Open Gender teams, 2 Thursday Ladies teams and 3 Wednesday Mens teams. If you are interested in playing bowls at a competitive level we are sure we have a team playing at your current level. Expert coaching is also provided to all new and current pennant players.
The club conducts Night Owls from October to March on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. This is a great introduction to the sport of bowls and it is conducted in a relaxed, friendly and fun filled atmosphere that you and your family or friends are sure to enjoy. Please select Night Owls from the above menu for further information.
Latest News
Up and Coming Events and the latest Newsletter (Updated 18 May)​
The latest newsletter (#112 dated 18 June), can be found in the Members Area
Social Bowls (Updated 11 April))
Our winter social bowls program has now commenced and is run each Wednesday & Saturday and will continue until late August or early September. Games start at 12:30pm. Please be at the club by 12 noon.
Monday Championship Pairs has now commenced.
Full information can be found by selecting Social Bowls from the above menu.
Greens Availability (Updated 11 April)
All greens are available for use. However, with the construction of the new shelter at the eastern end of C green, please avoid using this green during this period. Please remember, that if a green/s have a "Closed" sign placed on them, the sign always overrides any notification that maybe posted here. A notice relating to the winter maintenance program can be found in the members area.
Friday Night Drinks
Friday Nights Drinks 4pm until 6:30pm.